And here are the winners and all the prizes!!
1st Place:
Liza's under the stairs organized desk area.
2nd Place:
Christa's binder management system in her office.
3rd Place:
Vanessa's kitchen cupboards.
4th place:
Laura's toy room organized.

I wanted to take this opportunity to give a big "shout-out" to our sponsors. THEY were the reason we were able to host such a great challenge with such fantastic prizes! Please be sure to show them some love!

Oreck Vacuums donated a Versa Vac valued at $250
Alejandra TV donated a Power Productivity Program valued at $197
Cricut donated a Mini Prize Package valued at $129
Office Depot donated a $100 Gift Card
Jessica Wright, a Thirty One consultant, donated a $100 Gift Certificate
Kendra A., a Scentsy consultant, donated a prize pack valued at $101
Just Organize Your Stuff donated the Complete JOYS Collection valued at $139

Organizables donated Kids' Clothing Organizers

Off the Floor EZ Store donated the Rack-It Storage Solution

ClosetMaid donated $250 toward a ClosetMaid ShelfTrack™ Elite Closet System

Clean Mama Printables donated a $100 Gift Certificate

Fridge Coaster donated $100 worth of products

5 Dinners in 1 Hour, donated a 1 Year FREE subscription, plus a clean eating slower cooker Ebook.
Ashley Meyer, a Clever Container consultant, donated a Sophisticated File Tote valued at $66

A Time 4 Everything Etsy Shop donated a $100 Gift Certificate

The Neat Company donated a Neat Receipt Scanner valued at $200
Thanks again to all of our sponsors for these fabulous prizes! This challenge was hosted by these amazing Organizing Bloggers:
- Ask Anna
- Organize and Decorate Everything
- Organizing Junkie
- A Bowl Full of Lemons
- Organizing Homelife
- Clean Mama
- Organizing Made Fun
If you don't already follow them on Facebook or Pinterest, this is a group of bloggers you definitely want to follow! You'll be glad you did, they all have some great organizing tips, and love to work together to bring you fabulous opportunities like this one!

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